
Accountable Tech Targets X and Snap in New Digital Ad Buy

For Immediate Release
February 6, 2024

Accountable Tech’s digital ad buy targets Snap Inc. and Twitter/X employees urging them to call on the companies to leave lobby group NetChoice and stop funding efforts against legislation to protect kids online

Accountable Tech is targeting Twitter/X and Snap Inc. employees in a new digital ad buy, urging them to call on the companies to leave NetChoice and to stop funding lobbying efforts against legislation that would protect kids online. CEOs Evan Spiegel of Snap Inc. and Linda Yaccarino of X both testified in last week’s Senate Judiciary hearing on youth online safety. Both social media platforms came out in support of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).

This week’s ad buy follows Accountable Tech’s earlier calls for Snap to stop funding NetChoice, which has spent over $1 million to block KOSA and other critical online safety reforms. Snap Inc. announced yesterday a 10 percent layoff of their global workforce while running ads to distance itself from traditional social media. The ads, launching on LinkedIn, is shown below:

“If Snap and X truly want to protect kids and not just use them as a talking point in congressional  hearings, they can start by leaving NetChoice and stop funding lobbying efforts to kill bills like KOSA,” said Nicole Gill, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Accountable Tech. “The overwhelming grief of parents and young people at last week’s emotional Senate hearing must fuel the urgency to pass legislation that would prevent needless deaths and give young people the safe online experience they deserve.”

Big Tech giant Microsoft also announced their support of KOSA last week, but is not a member of NetChoice.


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Join the fight to rein in Big Tech.

Big Tech companies are some of the most powerful and profitable companies in history, presenting new threats to the safety of communities and the health of democracy. We’re taking them on through legislation, regulation and direct advocacy.