
Statement on President Biden’s Executive Order on AI

For Immediate Release
October 30, 2023


Accountable Tech Executive Director and Co-Founder Nicole Gill issued the following statement on President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence:

“We applaud President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence for its commitment to protecting the safety and well-being of people in the face of rapid AI development and deployment. The EO’s establishment of new safety standards, premarket testing requirements, and efforts to prevent algorithmic discrimination are crucial steps toward ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly in an industry that often operates with little oversight and even less accountability.

While strong executive action is a significant start, it can only go so far. The risks posed by AI and emerging technologies require comprehensive, long-term solutions that can only be achieved through legislation, and we will continue urging Congress to act swiftly and boldly to meet this urgent challenge.”


In August, Accountable Tech released a “Zero Trust AI Governance” framework with EPIC and AI Now to offer policymakers a robust and enforceable roadmap for addressing the urgent societal risks posed by these technologies.

The framework’s proposals are broadly organized by three overarching principles: (1) Time is of the essence – start by vigorously enforcing existing laws; (2) Bold, easily administrable, bright-line rules are necessary; and (3) At each phase of the AI system lifecycle, the burden should be on companies to prove their systems are not harmful.


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Join the fight to rein in Big Tech.

Big Tech companies are some of the most powerful and profitable companies in history, presenting new threats to the safety of communities and the health of democracy. We’re taking them on through legislation, regulation and direct advocacy.