
Accountable Tech on New Big Tech “Accord” to Address AI Election Content

For Immediate Release
February 16, 2024

Accountable Tech Executive Director and Co-Founder Nicole Gill issued the following statement in response to the AI Elections accord signed by 20 companies, including Google, Microsoft, Meta, OpenAI, Adobe, and TikTok to work towards identifying and labeling deceptive AI-generated election content:

“Big Tech rushed to unleash new AI technology into the world with little to no regard for the power and potential of this technology to accelerate and amplify disinformation, discrimination, hate, and violence across the world. As AI-generated videos, images, and audio become more realistic, the harms they inflict become more real. Individuals, communities, and democracies are already paying the price for their negligence.

“We needed labels on AI content yesterday. Without a strong data provenance standard in place right now to ensure transparent labels on all AI-generated content, voters face uncertainty in distinguishing truth from fiction this year.”


From the Newsroom

Feb 14, 2025
Accountable Tech Statement on Senate passage of the TAKE IT DOWN Act

Accountable Tech Co-Founder and Executive Director Nicole Gill issued the following statement after the Senate’s unanimous passage late Thursday:

Feb 12, 2025
50+ Civil Society Groups Urge Democratic States to Protect Individual Data, Privacy Under Trump

Organized by Accountable Tech, Fight for the Future, and UltraViolet, a broad and diverse coalition of more than 50 civil society organizations today sent a letter to Democratic stronghold states calling for immediate action to protect individuals’ data and privacy under President Trump’s administration.

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Big Tech companies are some of the most powerful and profitable companies in history, presenting new threats to the safety of communities and the health of democracy. We’re taking them on through legislation, regulation and direct advocacy.