
Accountable Tech on Governor Scott’s Veto of Vermont Kids Code

Accountable Tech Executive Director and Co-Founder Nicole Gill issued the following statement on Governor Phil Scott’s veto of the Vermont Data Privacy Act (H.121), which includes the Vermont Kids Code:

“Despite overwhelming approval by the General Assembly and support from Vermonters who recognize the urgent need for online safety and privacy, Governor Scott has chosen to side with the tech industry over protecting young people who are most vulnerable to social media’s harms. If enacted, the Vermont Kids Code would require Big Tech to adopt design features focused on privacy and safety so that children have a safer, more positive online experience. An override of the governor’s veto is not only necessary to secure a more just digital future for our children, but also critical in establishing accountability for Big Tech’s toxic business practices.”

Accountable Tech worked with the Vermont Kids Code coalition to advance the Vermont Kids Code unanimously through the Vermont State Legislature as a part of the Vermont Data Privacy Act. The coalition brought together young people, parents, educators, experts, and legislators to craft this legislation to best provide safety-by-design and privacy-by-default protections to Vermont youth and worked with Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark to ensure its constitutionality.


From the Newsroom

Aug 28, 2024
Accountable Tech Statement on Advancement of California’s Landmark AI Safety Bill

Today, the California General Assembly passed the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (SB 1047) — a landmark bill that would require AI developers to adhere to common sense safety guidelines for new AI models. The legislation, which is sponsored by California State Senator Scott Wiener, would introduce crucial guardrails around AI development, including requiring pre-deployment safety testing and third-party auditing. The bill will head back to the State Senate for a confirmation vote and then to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk.

Aug 16, 2024
Accountable Tech on Appeals Court Ruling on the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act

Accountable Tech Executive Director and Co-Founder Nicole Gill issued the following statement on the Ninth Circuit Court’s narrowing of the district court’s injunction blocking California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code: The Ninth Circuit’s ruling makes clear that the lower court’s injunction was far too broad. The district court must now reconsider the safety-by-design and privacy-by-default protections central to the Age-Appropriate Design Code.

Join the fight to rein in Big Tech.

Big Tech companies are some of the most powerful and profitable companies in history, presenting new threats to the safety of communities and the health of democracy. We’re taking them on through legislation, regulation and direct advocacy.