Accountable Tech and GQR conducted a 20-minute online survey among 1,000 Registered Voters nationwide from January 27 to 31, 2021. Respondents were contacted from a panel sample of nationwide registered voters. Results show widespread support for banning surveillance advertising across partisan lines with significant concern for how companies collect and use people’s people data.
Voters of all political stripes say social media plays a role in radicalization
Do you think that social media has played a role in radicalizing people?

76% say social media platforms bear responsibility for the Capitol siege
Based on what you have read, seen, or heard about the breaking into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, for each person or group below please indicate how much responsibility they have for the breaking into the Capitol.

Three quarters of voters agree that social media platforms at fault, bipartisan and cross-generational agreement
Based on what you have read, seen, or heard about the breaking into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, for each person or group below please indicate how much responsibility they have for the breaking into the Capitol.

Overwhelming support bold reforms to rein in Big Tech
Below are some reforms related to Big Tech that people want government to pursue. For each, please indicate if you support or oppose.

Banning surveillance advertising has strong support across partisan lines
Support for banning companies from collecting people’s personal data and using it to target them with ads.

Voters prefer privacy over ‘relevant’ ads by 4-to-1 margin
As you may know, companies like Facebook and Google use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to track your behavior online, collect your data, and serve you highly personalized content and ads. Please read the following pairs of statements and please indicate which statement comes closest to your own point of view, even if neither is exactly right.

Across party and age, most voters want data privacy over personalization
As you may know, companies like Facebook and Google use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to track your behavior online, collect your data, and serve you highly personalized content and ads. Please read the following pairs of statements and please indicate which statement comes closest to your own point of view, even if neither is exactly right.