Active Petition

Tell Google to drop “AI Overview” from search

Add your name to tell Google to remove “AI Overviews” from Google Search results after they have yielded dangerous inaccurate answers.

Google’s products are pervasive, widely trusted, and have enormous influence over human decisions large and small – to the point where their name has become a synonym for the verb “to search.” But the new AI Overview technology – the primary result in its core search function on the web, which users cannot opt out of – may already be causing serious harm in the real world.

In rolling out this new technology, Google seems to have evaded or ignored key fundamental questions of accuracy and responsibility. It’s time to prioritize the public interest over a competition to be first in the AI race – and given Google’s dominance in the search marketplace, they have an extra responsibility to NOT push potentially harmful AI-generated content out to the public as accurate answers to search queries.

Click “Add your name” and sign our petition today: tell Google to drop AI Overview from their search platform.

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Big Tech companies are some of the most powerful and profitable companies in history, presenting new threats to the safety of communities and the health of democracy. We’re taking them on through legislation, regulation and direct advocacy.