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Teens say social media is stressing them out. Here’s how to help them

"I have an anxiety disorder, and I have OCD," Lembke told Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., in March 2022, during a roundtable hosted by the nonprofit Accountable Tech. "I was never warned that entering these online platforms would only amplify the things that I already struggle with."

From the Newsroom

In the News
Global Village Space
Aug 30, 2024
OpenAI and Anthropic Partner with US AI Safety Institute for AI Model Safety Research

While the agreement between the U.S. AI Safety Institute, OpenAI, and Anthropic is seen as a step in the right direction by groups focused on AI safety, concerns remain about the vague nature of the term “safety” and the lack of clear regulations in the field. Nicole Gill, Executive Director and Co-founder of Accountable Tech, emphasizes the importance of AI companies following through with their promises and commitments. Regulators must gain insight into the rapid development of AI to ensure better and safer products.

In the News
Venture Beat
Aug 30, 2024
OpenAI and Anthropic agree to send models to US government for safety evaluations

Groups looking at AI safety said the agreement is a “step in the right direction,” but Nicole Gill, executive director and co-founder of Accountable Tech said AI companies have to follow through with their promises. “The more insight regulators can gain into the rapid development of AI, the better and safer the products will be.”

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